随着天气越来越冷,东谈主们的择偶圭臬也会随着气温一齐下跌。最近有商榷标明,低温天气会让东谈主渴慕迅速找个伴儿,不求坚持不懈,但求相依相伴共度脚下严冬正太 男同,这种特定表象就叫作念“抱抱季”(cuffing season)。
Finite relationships are beginning up and down a country as men and women prepare for what is being dubbed as "the cuffing season", a phenomenon involving lone rangers deciding to "cuff" themselves to an unwitting partner so they have someone to attend parties with and cuddle up to in winter.
随着所谓的“抱抱季”的到来,男男女女皆作念好了准备,短期的恋爱探究启动在寰宇随地可见。“抱抱季”是指只身者决定把我方“栓”在一个懵懂的伴侣身边,以求结伙去参预约聚,并在冬季互相偎依的社会表象。 Many romance experts warn that if you find yourself in a seasonal-specific relationship like this you should beware of forming attachments as come spring you may be dumped.
(中国日报网英语点津 丁一)正太 男同
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